Statement by the Management
on the Management Policy
of State Enterprise Radioactive Waste
State Enterprise Radioactive Waste (SE RAW) was founded pursuant to the Act on the Safe Use of Nuclear Energy for the purpose of management of radioactive waste across the country, outside the sites where such waste is generated. Radioactive waste results from socially beneficial activities such as nuclear energy and use of sources of ionizing radiation in medicine, industry, agriculture, science and education, and in this sense it cannot be avoided. Radioactive waste management aims at control, minimization and suitable handling of such wastes in order to protect the people and environment from their current and future adverse effects so that there would be no burden for the generations to come.
SE RAW policy is determined by the national policy in the field of spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste (RAW) management, which is based on internationally adopted RAW management principles:
- Priority of nuclear safety and radiation protection over all other aspects of RAW management;
- Maintaining the impact of ionizing radiation and the effect of other negative factors on the personnel, the population and the environment at the lowest possible and reasonably achievable levels;
- Provision of information and open dialogue with the society, regarding also the assessment of risks and required resources in view of achieving better understanding of these risks and of the necessity of resource usage;
- Efficient cooperation with the state authorities and other organizations involved in the management and generation of RAW;
- Ensuring continuity and recognition of the current trends through strengthening of the international cooperation and adoption of internationally recognized experience.
In view of implementation of the national policy on RAW management and protection of the environment and public health, SE RAW Management aims at achieving the following main objectives:
- Construction and follow-up operation of a National Repository for Burial of Low- and Intermediate-level RAW;
- Decommissioning of nuclear capacities upon shutdown;
- Modernization of the operational facilities within the specialized divisions for the purpose of improving the RAW management, reducing the impact on the environment and increasing the safety of the facilities;
- Maintaining and improving the professional qualification of the personnel of the Enterprise;
- Planning and implementation of activities intended to increase the safety culture of the personnel
SE RAW management commits to the following:
In the field of interaction with the stakeholders:
- Provision of information about the decisions taken by the management;
- Arrangement and holding of regular meetings with the local people of territories on which the Enterprise has located or plans to locate facilities.
In the field of occupational safety and health:
- Maintaining of suitable conditions of labour and recreation;
- Training of officials in charge of occupational safety and health.
In the field of quality:
- Maintenance and improvement of an integrated quality management system and provision of conditions and resources for continual optimization thereof;
- Implementation of planned organizational, financial and technical activities aimed at the achievement and maintenance of quality management at all levels of the Enterprise.
The personnel at all levels in the Enterprise are engaged in the implementation of the Management Policy, the highest priority being the observance of the requirements for nuclear safety and environmental protection.