

A high evaluation of the decommissioning activities is received


The complex program of activities for decommissioning of the shut-down reactors of the Bulgarian nuclear power plant for 2013 was highly evaluated by the European Commission.

On 21 February 2013 in Luxembourg, the European Commission held a meeting of its Decommissioning Support Committee. The meeting takes place once a year and its goal is to present the progress of Lithuania, Slovakia and Bulgaria in the implementation of decommissioning programs financed by community. The Bulgarian delegation included representatives of the Ministry of Economy, Energy and Tourism, the State Enterprise Radioactive Waste and Kozloduy NPP.

“The information for the decommissioning progress, presented by MEET was categorically welcomed by the members of the Committee”, announced Ira Stefanova, one of the SERAW representative at the meeting. She also said that the proposal for introduction of a combined software for KIDSF-financed activities at SERAW has received the approval of the participants in the meeting.

“This is a very important step for us”, commented Mr Dilyan Petrov, Executive Director of SERAW. He mentioned that the result of the meeting was a key stage and a basic prerequisite for the projects which were negotiated with the KIDSF Donors’ Assembly. He underlined that the planned activities package included also activities related to the construction of a National Disposal Facility – an important priority in the decommissioning process.

