

SERAW established a special division for construction of National Disposal Facility


On 1 November 2012, a Special Division National Disposal Facility was officially registered as part of State Enterprise Radioactive Waste (SERAW).

The division was established following a decision of the Bulgarian government from 25 June 2005 with which SERAW was assigned with the construction of National Disposal Facility for Low and Medium Radioactive Waste* till 2015. Six years later, on 7 December 2011 the commitment of the state was confirmed at highest level with amendment to the decision of the Council of Ministers with which the project for construction of disposal facility at Radiana site received a status of national importance.

SDNDF is not an independent entity. Its structure is identical to that of the other SERAW divisions. It will be managed by Chief Engineer who will manage a technologist, investment control and licensing experts, and other experts who will secure project’s progress in accordance with its present status. About 15 people will be employed there.

Meanwhile, recently has started the procedure for design and construction of fencing facility which will physically trace out the area where the disposal facility will be built.

There are three other special divisions, apart of this newly established one, which operate in the SERAW. These are “Permanent Disposal Facility – Novi han”, “Radioactive waste – Kozloduy” and “Decommissioning – Kozloduy ”.

At the picture: Final geological analyses were carried out on the terrain where the NDF will be built in the second half of September 2012.
