

A Uniform Information Model (UIM) supports the Decommissioning and RAW Management process with ‘live data’


State Enterprise Radioactive Waste further developed and implemented a specialized software for management, traceability and reporting of information and activities carried out by the structural divisions of the Enterprise. The development of the three-dimensional model (3D model) and Uniform Information Model (UIM) for Reactor Building of Units 1 to 4 and Auxiliary Buildings 1&2 was implemented within the scope of performance of a contract, financed by the Kozloduy International Decommissioning Support Fund (KIDSF), for Elaboration of a Design for Dismantling of Equipment in the Controlled Areas of KNPP Units 1-4. In 2021, in collaboration with European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (‘JRC’), a Project “Knowledge Management in the field of Decommissioning and Radioactive Waste Management” was implemented, under which the experience gained from 3D model use experience in Kozloduy NPP Units 1-4 was developed as the first Knowledge Product, following which it was published on the JRC’s website in compliance with Council Regulation (Euratom) 2021/100 of 25 January 2021.

In connection with Decommissioning of Nuclear Power Plants, Research Reactors and Other Nuclear Fuel Cycle Facilities, IAEA Safety Standards Series, Specific Safety Guide No. SSG-47 and the requirement of the European Commission to implement a software product of such scale, concerted efforts were taken in early 2020 to implement a Uniform Information Model for Decommissioning (UIM for DECOM). In order to implement the complex task, a team was formed with UIM for DECOM task force having in-depth knowledge of IT technologies, decommissioning of nuclear facilities and RAW management processes.

The unique development is a web-based software for management of the generated information in the process of decommissioning of the nuclear facilities, as well as the subsequent management of all material flows, including radioactive materials and radioactive waste in SERAW divisions. To that end, modules with logbooks and records have been created for all departments thereby enabling quick access to the necessary information, fast communication, reducing the probability of errors and ensuring safe and secure data storage. Combining all information based on the so-called “live data” provides an optimal opportunity to prepare records for traceability and accountability of the activities, materials and resources of the individual departments throughout the entire life cycle of the facilities, as well as for planning subsequent activities.

Currently, the Uniform Information Model ensures entirely the needs of the decommissioning activities of the NPP’s shutdown units, and integration with the existing ‘Traceability modules’ also of Specialized Divisions RAW-Kozloduy and PRRAW-Novi han, respectively – the creation of a Unified Information System of SERAW, are about to be carried out soon.

The current information about the ongoing dismantling is supplemented by a 3D model – a software product that is part of the UIM and SERAW Unified Data Management Information System. It features a detailed three-dimensional visualization of all premises and structures, systems and components located therein in Units 1 to 4 and Auxiliary Buildings 1 and 2 aimed at providing detailed technical information and data on the radiological environment on the basis of a performed gamma scanning in the Controlled Area. The software provides quick access to the database with process diagrams of the available systems. The 3D model makes it possible to effectively use the entered information for the purposes of planning, dismantling and material management, reducing the time for searching and analysing the necessary data. All dismantled structures, systems and components are highlighted in the three-dimensional model by the UIM for DECOM task force operators, which makes it possible to review the equipment by its status (“Dismantled”, “Not yet dismantled”, “In the process of dismantling” and “Remains in operation”. These activities are carried out on the basis of the current data entered into UIM ‘Dismantling module’ logbooks.

“When developing the UIM, we encountered difficulties attributable to the lack of any information related to the creation of such a product, due to the uniqueness of the task and its specificity”, explained Yordan Penchev and Pavel Dimitrov, two members of the team that developed and implemented the UIM. “This software is outstanding of its kind to manage decommissioning activities. In the beginning, a large portion of the time was dedicated not only to the creation and writing of IT solutions, but also to the preparation of all the documentation necessary to ensure the functionality of the software product. We also consider as a challenge the requirement of getting to know all departments, processes and generated documents related to the decommissioning activities, as well as the need of introducing a number of changes (into existing documents and logbooks) necessary to ensure current processes. This stage was and continues to be one of the most engaging and difficult to implement, due to the specific factor of communication and accountability between the departments directly involved in decommissioning. After several years of hard work and collaboration with experts from all departments, we are now pleased to present a working Uniform Information Model. We thank all colleagues for the joint work that contributed to this excellent result!”
