The Technical Design of the National Disposal Facility was submitted
28.03.2013The Technical Design of the National Disposal Facility for low- and intermediate radioactive waste (NDF) was submitted to the State Enterprise Radioactive Waste on 26 March 2013.
The complete package of construction documentation for the facility consists of 18 separate chapters and fills 46 folders. The design was developed by international consultant – a joint venture lead by Westinghouse Electric Spain in partnership with DBE Technology, Germany and ENRESA, Spain. The consortium was selected after a tender procedure conducted according to the EBRD rules. Two Bulgarian companies participate in the project as subcontractors – КК–project and EQE-Bulgaria.
The SERAW experts immediately started the review of the design. Their opinions will be presented at the Expert Technical Council that will be held in April. A copy of the documentation will be submitted also to the international consultant for the KIDSF financed projects. The obligations of the consultant include a support for the NDF-related activities. Independent highly-qualified Bulgarian experts and scientists will participate in the review of certain aspects of the design and everyone of them will offer advice in his area of expertise. This way SERAW will guarantee the best and safest option for construction of the disposal facility.
Once the experts’ opinions are disclosed, it is expected that the designer will make the necessary corrections in shortest terms and will offer the final version of the design. For the next stage the Bulgarian legislation requires the final option to be submitted for coordination to number of authorities. Only after that SERAW can start the procedures for approval of the investment project and to apply for a construction permit.
Other planned activities, related to the project take place in parallel to the analysis and the evaluation of the technical documentation for the construction of NDF. A working meeting will be held in April with contractors for the radiological and hydrogeological preoperational monitoring. The procedure for selection of independent construction supervisor in accordance to the Law on Territorial Planning is at its final stage. At its final stage is also the ISAR in compliance with the nuclear safety rules of NRA.
The general progress of the project within the planned deadlines gives us a reason to think that the requirements of the National Strategy for management of SNF and RAW will be fulfilled within the schedule – till the end of 2015, commented Mr Dilyan Petrov, Executive Director of SERAW.