The first revision of the Technical Design of the National Disposal Facility was accepted
26.04.2013The Expert Technical Council of SERAW reviewed and accepted Revision № 1 of the Technical Design of the National Disposal Facility for Low- and Intermediate Radioactive Waste on its meeting on 19 April 2013. SERAW experts, distinguished specialist and scientists – consultants to SERAW, experts of the international consultant – the PMU D-R and independent experts participated in the Technical Council.
The project was developed by international consortium of companies with reputation in the design of similar facilities, joint by specialised Bulgarian engineering companies, as subcontractors.
The participants in the Council established that the design was developed professionally, at a high technical level and according to the requirements of the Terms of reference. They established also that the necessary corrections of the Concept Design were made and all comments of the Risk Audit, initiated by Nuclear Regulatory Agency, were taken into consideration. Few minor technical comments and recommendations were made to the present revision, which corrections will improve its quality. The next revision will be presented to SERAW within month and a half.
The finalisation of the technical design of the disposal facility is of significant importance for the construction of the facility within the deadlines, set in the National Strategy for Management of Spent Fuel and Radioactive Waste. According to the preliminary schedule, which SERAW observes successfully, the first stage of NDF has to be completed at the end of 2015.
The SERAW Executive Director summarized: “In the whole long process on the way to building the disposal facility there are only three key moments left: the final approval of the Technical Design after incorporating the last recommendations to it; receiving the ownership over the terrain for the facility and an order from NRA for approval of the site, for which all necessary documentation was already submitted to the Agency, including preliminary safety assessment”.