

Sports performers from SERAW ranked second in the Spartakiad of energy workers


Sports performers from State Enterprise Radioactive Waste (SERAW) congratulated themselves with a well-deserved second place in the complex ranking after the final of this year’s national Spartakiad of energy workers. The twentieth edition of the event took place in the period 7-10 September 2023, with teams from 12 organisations in the energy industry in the country taking part in it.

The worthy performance of SERAW sports delegation is expressed in 6 gold medals, 6 second places and 10 third places. Volleyball players from the Enterprise maintained their leadership positions from recent years – with two gold awards – indoor, and two silver – in beach volleyball. For the first time in the history of the Spartakiad, the SERAW football players won first place in the final game against the Kozloduy NPP team and after an equally dramatic semi final football match against Maritsa Iztok-2 TPP EAD. Again on the football field, the women also performed masterfully, recording second place.

“Everyone played with heart! We are strong in team sports,” participants in the Spartakiad commented on the results.
