

Radiana student club was founded


Over 35 participants gathered for the first founding meeting of Radiana Student Knowledge Club. The event took place on 30th March 2023 at the Information Centre for Decommissioning (ICD) of State Enterprise Radioactive Waste in the town of Kozloduy.
The idea of founding the club originated during a series of organized visits of high school students from the three high schools in the town to the ICD, in which they were introduced to the main activities of safe management of radioactive waste in Bulgaria. It turned out that the time provided for in the programme was not enough for the young people to get answers to all questions and their interest in the topic of radioactive waste. Radiana Club was born as a result of this educational need. Each of the participants in the first meeting received a membership card with a personal number. The attendees agreed that the main objective of the newly created club is to expand knowledge and contribute to enriching the basic culture of young people from the ‘nuclear capital’ in a very specific topic – radioactive waste. During the event, the principle that the organization is an open community and can accept new members upon expressed interest was also formulated. Club members will meet once a month to exchange information and discuss a predefined topic related to radioactive waste management.
Guest to the founding meeting was Ira Stefanova, Chief Engineer of Specialized Division National Disposal Facility. The young people were given the special opportunity to learn about the future facility exactly from her – being the expert who is familiar with the deepest details of the project background, facility construction and upcoming operation thereof.
The next meeting of Radiana Club is scheduled for 3th May, and the topic will be “Plasma Melting Facility for Radioactive Waste.”
