

SERAW receives the ownership over Radiana site


On its meeting on 3 July 2013 the Council of Ministers took decision to grant to SERAW for administration and management two land properties of total area 440 dca. Before that the land was property of the Ministry of Agriculture and Foods.

The land is situated on the territory of the village of Hurlets near the border with Kozloduy NPP. It forms Radiana site, where the National Disposal Facility (NDF) shall be built. The terrain for the facility was selected after detailed survey and successful public discussion of the Environmental Impact Assessment Report for NDF.

According to the Strategy for Management of Spent Fuel and Radioactive Waste till 2030, adopted by the Council of Ministers in 2011 and DCM 683/2005, SERAW was obliged to build the first stage of the national repository till 2015. Providing the ownership over the two properties allows SERAW to begin the preparation of the site and the start of the construction activities on NDF.
