On 19 September 2023, the Executive Director and Director of the Radioactive Waste Management and Decommissioning Directorate of the Krško NPP Decommissioning Fund, together with two leading experts from Croatian consulting organisations, visited facilities of State Enterprise Radioactive Waste. The purpose of their visit was to gain information and experience needed in the process of preparation for future projects in the field of radioactive waste management by familiarizing themselves with the activities carried out by the Bulgarian national operator.
The interest of the Croatian team was focused on the processes of treatment of radioactive waste at Specialized Division RAW-Kozloduy, the production of reinforced-concrete containers (“final waste packages”) for its disposal and the construction of the National Disposal Facility at Radiana site, and these facilities were visited by the specialists during their one-day scientific visit.
At the end of their visit, the Croatian experts expressed their sincere gratitude to their Bulgarian colleagues for the shared experience and underlined the high level of professionalism and safe management of radioactive waste in Bulgaria. During the closing talks at the Information Centre for Decommissioning, topics for future co-operation were highlighted.
The Fund for financing the decommissioning of the Krško NPP and the disposal of radioactive waste and spent fuel from Krško NPP was established in compliance with the requirements of the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Croatia and the Government of the Republic of Slovenia on Regulation of the Status and Other Legal Relations Regarding the Investment, Use and Dismantling of Krško Nuclear Power Plant, which was put into commercial operation in 1983 under a joint-venture project between the two countries, which at that time were the Union Republics of the former Yugoslavia.