Instructions for personnel selection at SE RAW
By an order of the Executive Director, a fully updated internal regulatory document for personnel selection and appointment has become effective in the State Enterprise Radioactive Waste (SE RAW). The Guidelines were developed and implemented in relation to the application of the Rules of Organization and Procedure of the Enterprise, which are effective as of October 2010. During the preparation of the document the following was taken in consideration: recent trends for human resources management; requirements of the Bulgarian labour legislation; participation of labour organizations in the process of recruitment of competent and qualified personnel; compliance with the specificity of the SE RAW activities.
The Guidelines regulate the complete selection process: identification of vacancies by respective group managers; preparation of documentation and distribution of information about the competition for the vacancies; appointment of a personnel selection committee; rules for conducting of a competition; agreement between the employer and the prospective employee etc.
One of the general principles in the Guidelines is that the vacant positions should be announced for internal selection first. The selection is mandatory for all vacant positions with the exception of those of the management team: director, chief engineer of specialized division, head of department, and head of section.
According to the rules specified in the Guidelines, the selection procedure at SE RAW shall be conducted in the following sequential order:
- Preparation of announcements for the vacant positions;
- Announcement of the vacant positions;
- Internal selection (announced at the places designated for distribution of internal information – information boards and SE RAW information system);
- External selection for the vacancies that have remained unoccupied after the internal selection (announced through the SE RAW website, the information centres of the Enterprise and upon decision – through the media and employment offices);
- Selection based on documents submitted for a specific announced vacant position;
- Test followed by an interview;
- Appointment / reappointment of the approved candidates.
Only individuals who conform to the requirements specified in the announcement shall be eligible.
The complete selection process shall be entrusted to committees, which, depending on the need of personnel, shall include: directors of directorates, chief engineers of specialized divisions, a jurist, experts in human recourses, training and qualification.
The Guidelines for selection and appointment of personnel shall apply to all divisions and to the Head Office of SE RAW.