

Representatives of the Romanian Nuclear and Radioactive Waste Agency draw on the Bulgarian experience in the construction of a RAW disposal facility


The management teams of State Enterprise Radioactive Waste (SERAW) and the Romanian Nuclear and Radioactive Waste Agency, whose goal is to establish a clear regulatory framework to support the construction of a near-surface disposal facility for low- and intermediate level radioactive waste in Romania, held fruitful discussions and identified topics for future mutual cooperation.
During their four-day visit, in the period 25-28 May 2021, the representatives of our northern neighbouring country visited the Specialized Divisions RAW-Kozloduy and Decommissioning of Units 1 to 4, National Disposal Facility for RAW currently under construction, the Plasma Melting Facility, historical waste storage sites, etc. The specialists from the enterprise acquainted their Romanian colleagues with the main activities and key projects of the national RAW management operator in Bulgaria. They readily shared their experience in: choosing a suitable site for disposal facility; designing the facility; constant dialogue with the public; the legal procedures and deadlines, financing mechanisms and instruments in working with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development; the preventive tool for identifying possible impacts on the environment and human health – Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). The guests were also presented in detail the methodology for calculating the fee for subsequent treatment and storage, which is paid by the radioactive waste generators.
“The most important steps at this stage you are in, are two: awareness and dialogue with people in the first place and the involvement of the Regulator in the whole process henceforth, explained the SERAW’s Executive Director, Dilyan Petrov, and added: When it comes to nuclear facilities, the processes are not easy. But in the end, the most important thing is to ensure safety. That is why the control is of significant importance. It is also crucial that the European Union recognizes that the nuclear energy is a green energy. And if we want a greener Europe, we would need a clean energy.”
“The main purpose of our visit was, above all, to see the progress in the construction of the National Disposal Facility for Radioactive Waste and the way your enterprise works, as our organization is slightly different. The main activities of our Agency are the development of regulatory documentation in the nuclear field and radioactive waste and spent fuel management. Before coming here, I read about SERAW and I know that the scope of activities of your enterprise is much more comprehensive and it deals with a much wider range of activities. I wanted to come and see for myself how this really happens in this complex structure, as well as to have the opportunity to meet professionals who impressed me greatly. I know that you also perform activities on decommissioning, decontamination, transportation, production of reinforced concrete containers. It was an exceptional experience for us. I am glad that I was here, visited the site and saw how the activities are actually carried out. All the efforts you have made have led to serious achievements. This motivates and encourages us to work hard and we are grateful that we could rely on SERAW’s experience.”, concluded the President of the Romanian Agency, Mihaita Gaina, during the closing meeting of the delegation’s visit.
